Rolling With The Youth
Jaclyn Lewis

Rolling With The Youth

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Scrapping plans that were hours in the making, explaining that you can’t seduce an inanimate object, and concocting NPCs on the fly with the help of fantasy-name generators - most Game Masters have seen their fair share of chaos. But running games for a younger audience brings a whole new set of challenges. What do youth expect in an age of D&D Tik Toks, Critical-Role discourse, and actual-play podcasts? How can you create an inclusive space where shy, marginalized kids feel comfortable putting themselves out there? And where do you fit in as a game master and the adult supervision? This guide covers all that and more!

Designed as a resource for those new to working with youth, those new to running tabletop-roleplaying games, and those already running a long-standing youth campaign, this guide contains insights from years playing games with youth 12-24, working at youth-facing restorative-justice and LGBTQ-resource organizations, and, of course, playing tabletop roleplaying games of all kinds. It also features sample prompts, story threads, NPCs, recommended systems, and other resources.