NaNoWriMo and a Surprise


It's been an exciting few weeks since we opened our doors! Thank you to everyone who stopped in to visit us! We hope you all had a delightfully spooky Halloween!


Now that it's officially November, that means it's time for NaNoWriMo, which is an annual event where writers try to write 50,000 words during the month of November. In partnership with 27th Letter Books, we’ve got a short series of events planned and will feature word and storytelling games throughout the month! Tabletop roleplaying games are one of our favorite mediums and they can be a wonderful outlet for collaborative creative writing!

Writers & Roleplay Series at 7pm. November 10: world building. November 17th: character development and plot

November Events Schedule

First, we are CLOSED 11/4 & 11/5 for a private event! We’re so sorry for any inconvenience.

Make sure to watch for a special announcement in a few weeks. We can't say much yet but we’ve also got some fun surprises in store!

Nov. 6: Netrunner demo, Nov. 9: Improper Nouns demo, Nov. 10th: Writers & Roleplay, Nov. 11th: Bananagrams demo, Nov. 12th: Learn to play Mysterium, Nov. 13th: My Hero Academia CCG demo, Nov. 16th: Concept demo, Nov. 17th: Writers & Roleplay, Nov. 18th: A Little Wordy demo, Nov. 19th: Learn to Play Forgotten Waters, Nov. 20th: CCG Sunday: Casual Strixhaven Draft (MTG), Nov. 23rd: Dixit, Nov. 24th: Open for Friendsgiving Game Night, Nov. 25th: Rory's Story Cubes demo, Nov. 26th: Learn to play Dialect, Nov. 27th: CCG Sunday: Pokemon CCG, Nov. 30th: Gamer Town Hall meetup

Winter Market

We can finally announce that we are one of just 18 businesses participating in the Detroit Downtown Markets ( beginning November 10th and running through the end of the year! The market hours are:

  • Monday: closed
  • Tuesday: closed
  • Wednesday: 11am - 8pm
  • Thursday: 11am - 8pm
  • Friday: 11am - 11pm
  • Saturday: 11am - 11pm
  • Sunday: 11am - 8pm

We’ll be in the third hut on the right as you walk in from Campus Martius. Stop in and see us there! We’ll feature games and other items we think make particularly wonderful gifts. Items at the market will change very frequently, so you may want to check in throughout the season if you happen to be downtown!

Come shop with us at the Detroit Downtown Markets

New Team Members

Largely because we’ll be working across two locations for the next couple of months, we’ll also have a few folks helping us out for the holidays: Leslie, AJ, Alex and Brice. Please welcome them and be patient as they learn our systems and as we learn to work together as a larger team.

New This Week

We’ve got some exciting new games in stock, both released this week and both new additions to series that we absolutely love:

  • Splendor Duel is a new twist on Splendor designed specifically for two players. With three possible win conditions and introducing some entirely new mechanics, this will provide a fresh experience whether you love Splendor or are hearing of it for the first time.
  • Azul: Master Chocolatier is a new edition of the original award-winning game. It includes five new chocolatey tile sets and an entirely new box and board design to match the theme. It’s limited edition, so you’ll want to grab this one sooner rather than later. (Aisha couldn’t resist snagging one!)

end state of a close game of Azul: Master Chocolatier showing off a new burgundy, cream, and blue chocolate theme

Game Reports

We play a lot of games and wanted to add a section where we talk about our favorites, what we've played recently, or anything that has caught our attention.

Recently we played Twilight Inscription. It's a roll and write based off of the universe of Twilight Imperium, which is a decades-old 4X game. At first, we were worried that it was going to have a high barrier to entry, but we played through the “learn as you play” guide and it was a really great intro to the rules. We were mostly on rails for the first four turns and they provided enough information and context that we could play the rest of the game with confidence. Overall it was a great experience and we couldn’t wait for a rematch with the full rules in play.

Twilight Inscription includes four dry-erase sheets per person and six large translucent dice. Moves are made in orange marker and everything has a deep blue space-y background


Thank you SO MUCH to those of you who have left 5-star reviews for us. We truly appreciate it. We’d love your feedback, whether it’s on Google, Yelp, or a quick email.

That's all for now but, as always, we're working on more and will let you know when we can. Thanks again!

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